
710 – Caring for the Community

Caring about our society

澳洲《衛報》最新的調查顯示, 澳洲人有30%對現時社會的民主過程不滿意, 對聯邦議會及政治辯論不滿的均超過40%。而有達75% 認為從政者只是為著個人利益而不是為公眾利益而參政, 更有超過50%的人表示對政治根本沒有或只有少少興趣, 不願參與, 認為政治只是一場馬騮戲而已。

對於在澳洲土生土長的一代, 他們從小就能與身邊的人民代表接觸, 經常要參與投票選出巿議會、州政府及聯邦政府的代表。在緊密接觸及參與下, 理應能感受到各級議會的代表, 發揮著代表自己參與政府的作用。大部份澳洲人對政治的冷漠, 表明了這些議政代表, 確實是長期忽視了選民所思所想, 只把他們當為授權機器, 給自己追求政治目標。不少從政者藉著參政建立人脈關係及影響力, 使自己能提早退休, 把關係變成為個人利益, 已成為政治生態。

新來的移民, 他們多來自一些沒有民主制度或經濟較為落後的社會, 對議政參政更是陌生及沒有很多時間和力量去參與。像第一代華人多把時間精力放在為自己建立更好的生活, 再加上英語能力的限制, 更不會積極認識社會制度, 更談不上參與或改變。第二代華人多成為專業人仕, 情願在專業上發揮也不情願投身政治。結果是華人參政或關心政治者, 比起其它移民群體更少。

不過, 自由及民主的社會制度亦是不少華人移民來到澳洲之後, 感受到與原居地社會最大的不同之處。我們在澳洲享受著這制度帶來對生活質素的保障, 政府向人民負責任, 及人與人之間的平等和尊重等。可惜的是不是所有移民都會看到及明白, 要得到這一切就要由社會內每一個人對這制度的支持、肯定、參與、並且能選出能幹、負責任、得到尊重的代表來維持。因此, 對社會及政治的關心、參與及熱心, 就是每一個人都要付上的責任。

專制社會的發生,就是每一個人都不願意關心及參與, 由哪些不知如何掌握著權力的人, 要求其他人無限量及長時間地把權力授與他們而做成。我們來自於極權社會的移民, 願意澳洲變成這樣的社會嗎? 要是我們不願意這情況的發生, 關心身邊的事物, 進而到關心社會, 就是一個開始。

周偉文 社長

Latest survey from The Guardian indicated that 30% Australians are not satisfied with our democracy and more than 40% not happy with the political debates in the Parliament. Up to 75% reckon politicians put their personal interest ahead of the public and over 50% are lacking interest in politics which look like soup operas.

For Australian born generations they grown up with democracy as they have been voting for their political representatives at the various levels of governments. This connection should give them a good feel of how democracy works. Their lack of political interest means these political representatives in pursuing their political agendas have only cared for the electorates’ votes but not their needs. Many politicians join in for building their own personal network and influence, for their early retirement, and using it as a platform for personal gain.

Most new immigrants came from less developed countries with little democracy. They usually lack the knowhow, time and ability to join politics. The first-generation Chinese mostly spent their resources in improving their standard of living, and with handicapped English ability, hardly they could be keen in understanding and changing the society. The second-generation Chinese, mostly aimed to excel in their professional fields more than in politics. As a result very few Chinese are in politics compared to other ethnic communities.

Freedom and democracy though are not the only distinctions experienced by these immigrants in comparing to their mother countries. Don’t forget as a result of this democracy, we all can enjoy the living standard and social security in this country, the accountability of the government to the public, and the justice and mutual respect amongst each other. Not many immigrants take good note of these are dependant upon the support, acknowledgement, participation from everyone of us in the democratic system by selecting our capable, responsible and respectable political representatives. So it is our social responsibility to care and support politics with our hearts.

Totalitarian governance would prevail if everyone just not care when these people in power just care how they can hold on to their power enacted by us endlessly. Do we want to see Australia becomes an autocratic nation like where we came from? If not, then start caring for what is happening around you and in the society.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher

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