640 戰勝新冠病毒需要人人努力 Joint effort needed to overcome Covid
新州的封閉隔離, 由悉尼慢慢地走進周圍的巿鎮, 感染人數卡在僅僅受控而社區卻無法把病毒銷滅, 不上不下的情況。因此感染人數既沒有像一些國家般幾何級數大幅飃升, 也沒任何減少的跡象。原因是政府原先訂出的限制措施過於寬鬆, 要既不願意嚴重傷害經濟活動, 因此仍容許一定的人口流動, 又不願意強制監督居民留在家中, 因而令到不少人低估了自己在社區中受感染的機會, 無法把病毒真的孤立起來。結果是病毒無法在社區中清除, 更大的爆發, 可能隨時發生。
維州的情況稍為好一些, 經過多次的封閉, 維州居民對封閉限制都明白及熟識, 而且大多數人都遵守, 社會大致上沒有出亂子。不過, 擴散危機仍然未過, 新的感染者大部份仍在社區活動著, 看來, 要在短時間內把病毒清除淨盡, 並不容易。而且一個不留神, 仍有機會大幅擴散, 因此維州政府也小心翼翼, 不敢掉以輕心。
這樣的困局, 是由於Delta 毒株比起先前的變種, 有著無可比擬的高度傳染性, 而且也引致不少年青人嚴重發病, 甚至有死亡個案。新州及維州政府都明白, 只有盡快為所有居民接種疫苗, 達到70%或80%以上, 才是真正的出路。
現時疫情爆發, 無疑會提升人們去接種疫苗的決心, 只要聯邦政府能大幅增加疫苗的供應, 並且理順接種疫苗的過程, 相信是可以在很短的時間內, 提高疫苗的接種率。很可惜, 現時澳洲只能有大量阿斯利康疫苗供應, 而一直以來對阿斯利康疫苗的負面消息不絕, 令到很多人對接種阿斯利康產生遲疑。
事實上, 新州及維州政府都容許18-39歲人仕, 在諮詢並同意下接種阿斯利康疫苗, 現在剛開始, 已有不少年青人響應。盼望這情況能延續, 並且可以扭轉人抗拒疫苗的心, 才能加快達到澳洲人可以得到保護的接種率。
面對過往大量不少對接種疫苗的混亂及錯誤訊息, 澳洲政府一定要加強宣傳, 特別是向影響最深的多元文化社區大力推動。 在Delta變種肆虐之下, 接種疫苗是保護個人生命的唯一方法, 並且也是保護家人、朋友、社區及整個澳洲避免不斷的封閉隔離的唯一出路。華人社區組織, 亦應該作出支持, 鼓勵身邊每一個人接種疫苗, 同心合力打好對付新冠病毒這一場仗。
周偉文, 社長
Joint effort needed to overcome Covid
NSW lockdown is extending from Sydney to the regional towns with case number lingering around the same level. No signs of dying down despite no exponential jump. Mainly due to the relatively loose restrictions intended to minimise economical damage, people were allowed certain movement giving them the impression that the situation was still fine. Thus the virus still hanged around for so long with a risk of getting out of control down the track.
Victoria has been better off as residents have get used to the repeated lockdowns so they understand and appreciate what to follow and sit tight. Still we are not out of the woods yet as infectious cases have not been in full isolation. It is a hard and delicate time for the Victorian government to handle with great care on any possible outbreak again.
The deadlock was caused by the highly contagious Delta variant which is also taking toll on the younger age groups. Both NSW and Victorian governments know that the only way out is to get 70% or 80% of the population under vaccine protection.
The outbreaks now really drive people to take up the jabs and boost the rollout quick, but provided the Federal government could maintain and streamline the vaccine supply. Unfortunately we are just over stocked with the AstraZeneca doses which the public is hesitate accept due to negative propaganda thus far.
Actually both state governments allow the 18-39 age group to take AstraZeneca with an informed consent. There has been encouraging response from them in the past few days and hopefully this trend can help boosting people’s confidence as well as the inoculation rate of the nation.
To counteract those confusion and misinformation on Covid vaccine, Australian government must strengthen proper promotion especially for those multicultural communities. To gain personal life protection against the Delta rampage, and in the interest of families, friends, communities and the whole nation, vaccination is the only way out. Chinese community bodies should show support by coming forward together to fight this Covid war.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher