673 更好的一年
A Better 2023
各位讀者, 新年好!
經過小休,《同路人》又與各位讀者見面了。經過三年新冠疫情,全世界走出了新冠陰影。一直堅持「清零」政策的中國,在12月初180度大轉彎,變成實施「強迫全民感染」政策。今天相信數以億計中國人, 都已經感染過新冠病毒(在中國被稱為「陽過」),絕大多數人也復原了(因此被稱為「陽康」), 不過年長者及沒有接種疫苗人士, 到底有多少人因此而失去生命,現時官方公佈的數字,也沒有人相信,公眾也沒有知情權。
我們只能祈求那掌管人生命的神,對中國施憐憫, 保守染疫人士的生命, 減少死者數目。
專家相信,中國疫情會從大城巿擴展至二、三線城巿及鄉村地方,這情況會持續一段時間, 盼望在這新一年,中國能得到祝福, 保守我們的故鄉。
是的,三年折騰已經改變了全界, 我們盼望在今年, 在全面通關及取消各種防疫政策下,工商各業都能復甦, 澳洲人恢復信心,面向社會及經濟的發展。
去年維州選舉,喜見安德魯斯政府大大提高了向多元文化社區宣傳推廣政策的決心,盼望他能落實各項競選承諾, 讓維州社會能在支持移民安頓、融入、發展及一起建設社區, 有更大的空間。也盼望其它各州及聯邦政府, 能從安德魯斯的經驗及基礎上, 再進深一步,使整個澳洲成為來自世界不同角落, 願意接納多元文化、重視民主、自由及人權的社會。我相信這是每一個離鄉別井, 來到澳洲定居的移民的心願。
在2023年我盼望每一位讀者都蒙福!也盼望本刊能得到你們及廣告客戶的支持, 在今年能維持下去。不少朋友都覺察在社區中,有質素的中文刊物已剩下不多,我認為這是一個好的機會, 讓優質刊物能在社區中發揮更大作用。
親愛的《同路人》讀者, 請與我們同行,讓《同路人》能更大地祝福華人社區。
A Better 2023
Happy New Year to you all readers. Sameway is back after a short break.
The world too is coming back from the pandemic after three years. In early December China also made a U-turn from ‘Zero Covid’ strategy to ‘mass infection’. By now Chinese in millions have already caught and could have recovered from Covid; but nobody knows how many elderly people and those without vaccination have died actually as there was no reliable official data announced. We can only hope our mighty and merciful God is protecting them there. And we also hope China will be blessed in this New Year as experts believed Covid would keep spreading for a while from major cities to smaller towns and the country.
Australia is recovering well from the pandemic, people regain their social life and want to forget about Covid. The past three years had been very harsh; we hope by 2023 when all borders are opened and all Covid measures cancelled, our economy will pick up and the society will resume normal as people gain back confidence.
In the last Victorian election, we are glad to see the Daniel Andrews government was more determined to promote policies in the multicultural communities. We hope they could keep the election promises such that immigrants could settle, integrate and develop in the society for a better future. We hope the other State and Federal governments could borrow Victoria’s blueprint in advancing multiculturalism, democracy, human right and freedom in overall for immigrants. I know this is the wish of every individual coming onshore Australia.
In 2023 we hope every reader will be blessed. We hope we can keep going with your and our sponsors’ support. You may have noticed that there are very few quality Chinese publications left in the local market, thus it is a good opportune for Sameway to serve our community to a greater extent.
Dear readers please keep walking along with us such that Sameway can keep blessing our Chinese community in 2023.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher