675 個人權益的重視
The importance of personal right
最近成為香港最賣座的電影《毒舌大狀》,引來了公眾對社會公義的討論。不過著名香港導演張婉婷為她母校英華女學校拍攝的一齣記錄片電影《給19歲的我》,在公開播放後4天即落畫, 更觸動到, 公眾該如何面對社會內個人私隱與群體利益的衝突。
《給19歲的我》自2012年追蹤拍攝香港名校英華女學校6名中一學生的成長生活,一共拍攝了10年的真實片段剪輯而成。在獲得多個電影獎項下, 於9月在香港公開放映優先場, 共取得751萬元票房,可以說是叫好叫座,今年2月2日開始電影在戲院公開播放。播放後由於有被拍攝女學生公開表示不同意公開放映,並且個人的心理健康受到影響而於2月6日起停播。
事件涉及未成年兒童的個人私隱及權益,與學校及導演是否在違反學生意願下進行拍攝或是公開原來是計劃作為校內籌款活動的材料,引來社會討論。到底是學生個人的權益重要?還是學校的計劃及利益更重要?又或是導演個人的成就、投放的資源及權益應該得到保護?而且電影在播放時, 不少教育工作者認為這電影對年青人的教育及成長會帶來很大的鼓勵, 但若被拍攝者感到公開播放會受到傷害時, 公開播放又是否不道德? 這些都是值得我們思考的問題。
西方社會強調保護個人的權益,而極權國家會以統治者、社會、或是大多數人的利益為法律的著眼點。《給19 歲的我》並不涉及政治, 但令人感到爭議的, 是個人對自己權益, 若與身處群體的利益, 若有衝突時, 如何能得到保護的問題。
學校本來是學生成長的環境, 應當以學生的利益看為優先。為學校籌款而拍攝的記錄片, 加入了不同群體的利益,就不一定能夠做到把學生的利益看為優先。在違反學生的利益的情況下, 公開放映有關的記錄片, 在我看來,止是要考慮是否合法,更是要考慮是否合乎道德規範的事。
一個負責任的文明社會, 應該在尊重個人與集體利益之間, 作出考慮。我相信只有在尊崇民主、自由、法治及人權的社會, 才可以有可能互相制衡, 維持社會公義。
周偉文 社長
The importance of personal right
‘A Guilty Conscience’ becomes the hottest movie film in Hong Kong and has stirred up some debates on social justice. But another movie ‘To My Nineteen Year Old Self’ directed by Mable Cheung in dedication to her mother school Ying Wah Girls’ School came off from cinemas in only four days. That created a tension between handling personal and public interests.
‘To My Nineteen Year Old Self’ is an edited documentary in recording the real life journey of six Form 1 students of the college since 2012. With several film awards in hand its debut priority screening in Hong Kong last September attracted a very encouraging 7.5 million income, with public cinema screening started on 2nd February this year. But the public viewing was halted due to objection from the girls concerned having adverse psychological impact. This involved the privacy right of children and it became controversial on as whether the school and the director had sought their consensus and as whether it could only be used for the school fund raising purpose. So should the students’ personal right came first or the school’s? Should the director’s effort, resource and right be protected? Educators regard the movie helpful in the bring up of students; but what happens morally if the public screening is not doing good to the girls on the screen. Good questions.
Western countries weigh high on personal right whereas totalitarian countries rule in the interest of the people in power, the society and the majority. Mable’s film in not about politics but it is controversial on how personal right can be protected if in conflict with the public’s.
School is for the bring up of students and students’ interest must be the priority. But a fund raising documentary on the school may not be in the sole interest of the students if other public interests come into play. So I think in the interest of the students a public viewing of the movie must pass through both the legal and moral bars.
A responsible developed society must give due consideration in balancing persoanl and public interests. I think social justice can prevail only in socities upholding democracy, freedom, law and human right.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher