678 使澳洲人更認識中國
Let Australians know more about China
俄羅斯加強對烏克蘭的攻擊,而且接連與美國空軍的偵察機及戰鬥機發生接觸, 令人相信俄羅斯急於在戰爭中佔優, 在短期間戰事不會結束。中國習近平主席在這時出訪俄羅斯, 一方面表示與俄羅斯關係密切及兩國要加強合作, 而且中國以中立的姿態, 提出和平方案。
雖然西方國家否認中國的中立立場, 而且俄烏戰爭尋求和平的基礎看起來也不存在。不過中國正向全世界表示, 她要在國際事務上, 有更大的發言權, 而且世界的秩序, 不再由西方國家說了算。可以說, 現時世界各國, 正在一個調整彼此之間關係的過程之中。在這時期, 澳洲要怎樣面對轉變, 值得我們留意。
前年, 澳洲、英國與美國簽訂AUKUS軍事合作協議, 上周國防部長Marles 表示, 這並不表示澳洲在美國會在因台灣受到中國侵襲而與中國發生軍事衝突時, 必然會加入配合。當然這也並不表示澳洲會置身事外。不過, 這樣的闡釋, 明顯地向中國釋出善意。澳洲前總理基廷更表示AUKUS不會為澳洲的安全帶來更多的保護, 因為中國根本不會攻擊澳洲。要是由於澳洲離中國算是遙遠, 不會輕易成為中國的攻擊目標, 那麼澳洲人為甚麼仍會覺得中國是一個威脅呢? 這是一個值得我們認真思索的問題。
最新的民調指出, 澳洲人對AUKUS的支持確是在下降之中。既然澳洲人對與英美合作, 加強軍事防衛力量有所保留, 那麼澳洲要怎樣調整她面對中國這新興起的軍事力量。若澳洲仍不斷感到在南太平洋地區及東亞, 中國要加大軍事力量, 澳洲又有何良策要面對? 我相信身處澳洲的華人, 會感到兩難。
我相信華裔澳洲人不能主觀否定主流社會中, 有人反對中國, 認為中國是澳洲威脅的情緒。澳洲人普遍對中國文化及歷史沒有多少認識, 因此無從判斷中國是否可以成為和平合作共存的盟友。只有加強澳洲人對中國文化及歷史的認識, 並且有更多深入的認識, 才能讓主流澳洲人有可能對中國是否威脅, 作出個人的判斷。
周偉文, 社長
Let Australians know more about China
The war between Russia and Ukraine is not going away soon with Russia stepping up its combat and in particular a confrontation with the US air force. The recent visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping to Russia portrays the friendly relationship between China and Russia and a hope for a peaceful talk on the war between Russia and Ukraine through an “independent” third party.
The western countries do not accept China as a neutral party and do not see a common ground for peaceful talk. But China is to show her muscle in the international playing field, and western countries are no longer to dictate in world order. The world is in a process of adjustment. Australia should be mindful of the changes.
Despite the AUKUS military pack, our Defence Minister Richard Marles just clarified that Australia is not obliged to take part in any military conflict between China and US on the Taiwan issue; although he did not rule out anything. Still, it was a good gesture to China. Former PM Keating pointed out AUKUS could not bring on any extra protection to us if China is not going to attack Australia. We need to think harder on why Australians see China as a threat even the chance of a remote attack from China seems so low.
Latest polls tell support for AUKUS is on the decline. If Australians have reservation on the military alliance with UK/US then how should we face up with China’s growing military power in the South Pacific and East Asia regions? Chinese in Australia must be in a crossroad.
I think many Chinese Australians cannot deny a mainstream temperament that China is non-friendly to Australia. Most Australians have little knowhow on Chinese culture and history thus cannot tell whether we can make peaceful partnership with China. We must educate Australians on this for them to make a better informed judgement on the threat if any coming from China.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher