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717 Lidia 與香港47民主爭取者的不同際遇

Difference between Lidia and the 47-activists

一連三期, 我選擇了刊登香港47人案各被定罪被告的求情, 是要向這些與我曾在同一社會中生活過, 而又對民主、自由及人權懷抱信念的一群朋友表達敬意。今天我身處澳洲, 適逢澳大利亞國王查理斯來訪, 作出差不多是「告別訪問」,我本來沒有多大興趣去關注, 因為覺得他只是一個生不逢時的虛君, 大好年華只因前女皇高壽而無法在古稀之年以前成為國王。在今天民主及皇室非神話潮流之中,成為一個只屬於過去的悲劇人物。

上週獲邀請到坎培拉出席本週一於國會大廳舉辦的查理斯國王歡迎酒會,原不打算舟車勞頓前往參加,卻想起27年前離開香港前不久, 查理斯以儲君身份代表女皇來到香港, 主持香港回歸交接儀式。想到6月30日那一夜, 在會展中心查理斯於午夜滂沱大雨之中代表女皇宣讀回歸發言後, 隨即乘坐要拆毁的「不列顛尼亞號」離開皇后碼頭, 進入公海與港人揮手的一幕。作為儲君, 這是何等屈辱,但他仍是迎難而上, 令自己母親不用親自面對這一情境。是對他為港人及國家的付上, 讓我決定要到坎培拉,去見證可能很快也變成共和國的澳洲, 到底是如何歡迎這位仍在癌症治療中的澳大利亞國王, 要表達對澳洲人的承擔。

我在以維多利亞女王命名的皇仁書院讀中學, 更在以促進英國與中國人通商共同繁榮為目標的香港大學就讀及任教。我一直相信香港成為英國殖民地後, 在我還小的時候,英國人的經營造就了香港成為東方之珠, 而非把剝削打壓香港人成為一團糟的一塊殖民地。我曾更想過要是沒有割讓給英國人, 今天的香港, 甚或今天的中國, 又會是怎樣的城巿, 怎樣的國家。這些又令我在今天思想, 現時身處的澳洲又是如何從一片囚犯之地, 轉變成為繁榮富有的國家?

在歡迎會上, 我親眼看見了年老的查理斯國王。在歡迎會結束前, 在查理斯面前大聲咒罵他「對原住民推行種族滅絕」、「他不是我們的國王」的Lidia Thorpe就在我眼前被帶離場。我想到要是這一情境發生在世界上另一個地方的話, 到底Lidia 將會是怎樣。

不過, 慶幸她出生在有民主、自由、法治、重視人權的澳洲, 所以Lidia 仍可以繼續當她年薪25萬元的參議員, 繼續發出令人剌耳而不尊重人的聲音。而那在香港, 只是想要舉行立法會初選的47人, 卻仍在等待不知多長的判刑。

人生的不幸, 豈不是如此?

周偉文 社長

Difference between Lidia and the 47-activists

In three consecutive issues I chose to report on the pleas from the convicted 47 activists in Hong Kong as I respected their visions on democracy, freedom and human right in a society where I was brought up. Now I am in Australia coming across the probably ‘last visit’ of King Charles. Actually I am not interested in this “king” who happened to make it just now after the prolonged term of the ex-Queen and at a time where the Royal family myth is dying in democracy.

Last week I was invited to the reception held at the Parliament House in Canberra. Originally I had not planned to go. Then I recalled how he came to Hong Kong 27 years ago as the King-to-be participating in the 1997 handover ceremony on behalf of the Queen. On that 30th June rainy night, he delivered the handover speech at the Convention Centre, followed by his waving goodbye to Hong Kong as the Britannia yacht sailed off from the Queen’s Pier. It was a very uneasy moment for him as the next King saving his mother’s embarrassment. In view of what he had done for Hong Kong and his nation, I decided to go to Canberra to see and witness how Australia, heading down as a republic nation, would be greeting her King amid cancer treatment in his undertaking to our nation.

I studied in Queen’s College named after Queen Victoria and also studied and taught in the Hong Kong University which was established to foster commerce between British and Chinese and help the modernization of China. To me Hong Kong as a British colony at that time was not about exploitation or suppression as that only made Hong Kong prosperous. I even pondered if Hong Kong had not been colonised what could it have existed as a city. Or even how modern China will become without Hong Kong? Today being settled in Australia, I would wonder how Australia has evolved as a wealthy nation from a piece of land for the prisoners.

At the reception, I witnessed the old Charles and then how Lidia Thorpe was escorted out as she shouted to him “genocide against indigenous peoples”, “you are not our king”. I thought what would happen to her if this is not Australia.

Lidia is in luck by living in Australia – a nation where democracy, freedom, rule of law and human right prevail. So she can still enjoy her $250,000 annual salary as a Senator while screaming to others disrespectfully. But those 47 activists after an open election in the Legislative Council are still waiting long for their sentences to come.

Is this fate of life?

Mr. Raymond Chow, the Publisher