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718 肅貪倡廉由總理開始

Anti-corruption starts with the PM


自古以來,擁有權力的政府官員貪污, 是每一個社會都會存在的現象。中國歷史也證明,清廉的官員不一定有政績, 而貪官也有不少是能為社會造出和種利民政策, 統治者也認為一定程度的貪污,只要不導致民變, 是可以接受的。過去香港英國人實施殖民地官治, 在1974年廉政公署成立之先,貪污也為社會大眾所容許及接受, 不少人認為這是中國「人情文化」的一部份, 大家相信只要不是官員向人民強索,並不一定要嚴肅處理。

不過,香港人在1974年開始, 學會了在醫院給醫護人員「茶錢」,盼望他們能對自己患病的親人多一份關顧是不公平的事。我們也學會了, 在沒有雇主同意之下,給業務員饋贈禮物務求去建立關係, 是不公平的事。我們也明白了公務員要對在工作上接觸的所有人一視同仁,不可以接受象徵式價值以外的禮物。我們也知道了向公務相關聯的人尋求利益, 是防礙公正。

在今天的澳洲, 我們發現連總理也接受各航空公司給議員們的優惠, 反對黨領袖會「權宜行事」向富豪借用私人飛機, 執行公務。在今屆國會議員中, 有90%以上都成為澳航為權貴而設的「主席休息室」 服務, 而不少更為家人及子女申請同樣的對遇。澳航競爭對手維珍航空也同樣提供相似的優惠, 而大家也同樣接受。

我一直相信從事公共事務的公務員及尊貴的議員都是具備權力的公僕,因此由「權」而得到「尊貴」的待遇, 是把他們陷在最大的試探之中, 因為權力使人腐化, 更大的權力更容易使人更腐化。因此, 我們有理由要求從民主選舉中成為擁有權力的議員們, 受到更高的監管, 使他們不會受貪腐影響。

我相信我們的總理要以身作則, 為澳洲從政者及公務員高官, 樹立最高的標準, 不要讓貪污文化有機會進入我們的社會之中。

周偉文, 社長

Anti-corruption starts with the PM

Australians are alarmed over these two weeks by the ‘special treatments’ generously offered by Qantas to PM Albanese and some Senators and Ministers who could take it for granted so long as they have declared. Perks include iPad, concert tickets, flight upgrade and VIP treatments, even private plane transport service. Unbelievably all the political leaders including the PM and opposition leader regard this as acceptable.

Corruption has not been an uncommon practice by government officials anywhere. Chinese history also proved corruption or not did not directly tell governance ability hence corruption had nor been regarded as something very wrong. When Hong Kong was under the British colonial government, corruption was widely practiced until the ICAC was formed in 1974. People then regarded that as a voluntary ‘goodwill’ under the Chinese culture and was not a ‘crime’.

But since 1974 Hong Kong people have relaised it was no good giving tips to care workers in hospitals in the hope that they would treat their family members in bed better; and we learned that it was unfair to treat employees for their special service without the knowledge of the employers. We should know that public servants must not be biassed by accepting gifts beyond a nominal value from the public in contact. We are jeopardising our public system when we attempt to seek privilege from work contacts.

In Australia today even the PM is covering Senators taking advantages from the airlines and the opposition leader would make use of millionaires’ private jet service if needed for official duties. 90% of today’s Senators are enjoying free ‘VIP Lounge’ of Qantas with some even extending it to their family members. Counterpart Virginia airline is offering the same as a norm.

I consider all government officials and Senators are public servants who should not be ‘honoured’ because of their position of power. This is their ‘trial’ as power can turn them corrupted accordingly. So we should require political leaders who have acquired their power through our democratic election be subjected to tight surveillances in safeguarding them from corruption.

I believe our PM should set a good example to all political and government leaders in stopping corrupted culture from damaging our society.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher