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719 同舟共濟面對困境

Hand in hand amid our difficulties

這週二, 史坎倫基金會研究中心發表了今年7、8月間對8000名澳洲人進行調研的史坎倫社會凝聚力指數研究, 顯示了在過去動盪的一年, 澳洲社會凝聚力基本上維持不變, 不過大家都感受到極大的經濟壓力, 並且雖然社會仍支持多元文化社會, 但有接近一半人認為現時移民數目過高。

還好的是, 社會沒有對某一類移民持偏見, 覺得他們不受歡迎, 相反澳洲人仍相信移民為這一個社會帶來積極發展的動力。更令人欣慰的是受訪者在世界變得艱難時, 仍保持著和之前一樣的快樂狀態。不過, 年長者與年輕人對前景有著不同的看法, 而經濟受困者對社會的不滿程度也大幅增加。 可以說, 澳洲社會發展, 面對著挑戰, 不能掉以輕心。

史坎倫基金會由Peter Scanlon成立, 是一位歐洲移民,  而這一個社會凝聚力研究, 是全球國家中, 最有規模的研究, 今年已是第18年進行。研究結果可以說是對澳洲社會面對的問題, 提供了極有用的資料。在發佈會上, 研究創始人Andrew Markus 教授指出, 雖然澳洲的社會凝聚力最近這數年有向下調的情況, 但比起世界上其它國家, 我們仍維持相當程度的互相尊重及樂觀, 他相信是由於澳洲人對身邊來自不同國家移居這裏彼此成為鄰居的其他澳洲人的信任。他認為這是讓澳洲在未來面對不確定的世界的最大資產。

是的, 我們見到政客常以攻擊政府的不足來爭取選民的支持, 而媒體也以暴露社會不公平及陰暗面來追求社會公義, 在經濟困難生活出現壓力時, 我們都會選擇找出原因並且追究責任。但明顯地在經濟全球化及政治不穩定狀況下, 澳洲社會要獨善其身不受影響, 相信會是極困難。但原來能支持我們面對這些挑戰及艱難時刻, 並不一定是英明領袖的施政, 或是天才企業家的創見。最令我們能有信心面對困局的, 是與我們生活在一起的社區, 能同舟共濟、彼此相助的社區。

今天政府提出要減少澳洲移民數目, 更盼望能降低留學生人數, 作為移民我們可能會感到不安。不過, 史坎倫凝聚力研究今年的報告, 給我們有更大的信心, 去相信澳洲人能一起去面對前面的困難。

周偉文 社長

Hand in hand amid our difficulties

This Tuesday the Scanlon Foundation published the study result from 8000 Australians in July/August to tell that Scanlon Index of Social Cohesion remained steady over the past unstable year. The results also indicated people were under high economical pressure, and while they were still in favour of multiculturalism almost half felt immigration rate was on the high side.

Good to see that not a particular ethnic immigrant group of the society is being marginalised and people still believed immigrants provided positive energy to the society. Encouraging to know most respondents were equally joyful in the midst of all the global crisis. But there appeared disparity between the old and young generations in their outlook, people under financial hardship were escalating their social dissatisfaction. So we should be mindful of the challenges on the future of Australia.

The Scanlon Foundation was formed by Peter Scanlon and this Scanlon Index of Social Cohesion Study is the most acclaimed one world-wide spanning over 18 years. The results provide useful data for Australia to cope with many social issues. At the press conference the project founder Prof Andrew Markus pointed out that despite a downward trend of our social cohesion we are still doing better than many other nations in mutual respect and optimism. He reckoned it was because Australians mostly have trust on people as their neighbours coming over from other countries. He said this could be an asset to this nation in facing global turbulence. 

We often see politicians attacking the government for gaining own support and media propagating on dirty social injustice, we all want to finger point amid a difficult life. But unavoidably at a time of global economy and political turmoil, it is very hard for Australia to be insulated. What can help us through this difficult time may not be bright political leadership or genius entrepreneurs, but could be the community we are living together with and counting our support on.

As immigrants we are worried to hear the government today is planning to cut immigration and overseas students. But the Scanlon Index of Social Cohesion Report gives us better faith to believe Australians can work hand in hand amid our difficulties.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher