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We need your participation and support

18年前創辦《同路人》, 絕對沒有想過今天的景況。這是2022年出版最後一期的《同路人》, 謝謝讀者、作者、編輯、廣告商們的支持, 讓我們至今仍然能繼續出版, 服務社區。今期我們刊登了一些機構, 祝賀我們出版18週年的啟事, 標誌著《同路人》至今仍然得到大家的支持和認同, 與社區同行。由於疫情仍然肆虐, 而且各行各業都在掙扎之中, 我們沒有打算大事慶祝, 不過我盼望在明年初, 我們能再次舉辦與讀者交流及接觸的活動。

在中澳關係緊張的這些日子, 及虛假信息充斥網絡, 社交平台已碎片化, 無法有效全面向社區傳遞信息。高質素的媒體, 在多元文化社區更形重要。能為來自不同地區的華人服務的媒體不多, 《同路人》與「同聲同路人」電台節目, 已逐漸成為澳洲華人信任及協助他們投入澳洲生活的重要媒介, 並且得到主流社會認可和支持。在今屆維州大選之中, 我有機會游說州長安德魯斯, 並得到他接納, 在未來四年大幅增加給多元文化媒體經費的支持, 可見神確是使用《同路人》服事社區。

面對未來有更多從香港來的新移民, 以及華人社區更大的需要, 我們盼望在將來, 能進一步提升我們的服務。因此我們需要有更多的支持者, 成為義工, 加入我們的行列。作為一個已有18年經驗的媒體機構, 我們有很多機會可以再多走一步。不過, 由於缺乏人力及財政支援, 我們只能緩慢前進。

今年九月我們原本獲得31號電視台的支持, 提供了廣播時段, 讓我們播放中文資訊節目。可惜我們人手不足, 以致未能及時推出達到我們預期質素的節目, 所以「歡欣同路」電視節目要延期至明年三月, 才可以跟觀眾見面。我盼望你們中間, 能有更多人, 在各方面支持協助我們推出這一項目。

我們需要你的支持, 你可以成為我們的讀者。你也可以提供時間, 參與成為我們活動及制作的義工。你更可以使用我們的廣告服務, 或是向你的商界朋友推薦我們, 讓他們成為《同路人》的客戶, 為我們提供經費,使我們有足夠資源推動這艱鉅的工作。

《同路人》盼望成為一個你可以參與的平台, 把祝福帶向社區。

周偉文 社長

We need your participation and support

We did not expect we have come so far as when we started off Sameway 18 years ago.

This is the last issue for 2022. We thank all readers, writers, editors and sponsors to have kept us going till today. This issue contains notices from organisations in celebration of our 18th anniversary, we thank them for their support as we grew with the community. Due to the pandemic and the struggling business environment, we did not plan for any grand celebrative function but we hope we could organise something interactive with our readers again by early next year.

Amid the tense relation between China and Australia and overwhelmed with massive misinformation over the web, a broken social media platform can no longer serve the community properly. High quality media is very important to multicultural communities, but there is very limited choices for Chinese here coming from different backgrounds. Sameway and Rejoice on Air, well recognised by the mainstream community, have been the reliable support for them to integrate into local life. In this State election I got the opportunity to persuade Premier Andrew that funding for multicultural media would be significantly boosted over the coming four years. God is really using Sameway to bless the community.

With more new immigrants coming over from Hong Kong and the growing needs of the Chinese community, we hope we can enhance our service. Hence, we need more supporters to become our volunteers. As an organisation with a rich 18 years of media experience, we can do much better, but only if we could have the necessary manpower and financial resources.

This September we should have worked up with TV Channel C31 to air our Chinese program but unfortunately that was called off due to manpower limitation. So our Rejoice at Sameway television program can only has its debut till March next year. I hope you would come forward in support of this new program.

We need your support, besides becoming our readers, you can offer your time to participate in our activities and serve as volunteers. You can even be our sponsors or recommend us to your business friends for becoming our customers in funding our great jobs.

Sameway hopes you can be part of this platform in bringing blessings to the community.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher