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676 俄烏戰爭一週年

At one year of the Russia-Ukraine war

在俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭一周年前夕, 美國拜登總統在周一早上抵達了在導彈威嚇之下的基輔, 訪問了5小時。這一次事前沒有張揚, 卻極為高調的訪問, 對這一場戰爭的可能發展方向, 帶來了一個轉捩點。


不過拜登以80高齡, 長途跋涉從波蘭邊境坐10小時火車抵達炮火連天中的基輔, 令到抗爭中烏克蘭人得到極大鼓舞。拜登帶來的是美國人支持烏克蘭的決心和更多的軍援,在現時局勢不明朗時,顯示一個清晰的訊號。對在貪污醜聞下的烏克蘭總統澤連斯基, 這也是極大的支持。

俄烏戰爭,到了今天已不能被看成為只是俄羅斯與烏克蘭兩國之間的衝突,實際上它是全世界自第二次大戰後,全球人類社會能否建立一個不接受再用戰爭來解決大國與小國之間的分歧及衝突的制度。俄羅斯的對手,其實不是烏克蘭,而是歐洲各個經濟發達國家。支持烏克蘭對抗俄羅斯,是她們感到自身安全受到威脅時,聯在一起保衛自己的行動, 也是美國這個超級大國, 要維持在全球影響力及自身安全感的行動。

澳洲在俄烏戰爭中,明顯地站在西方國家陣營。不過澳洲是孤立地在中國亞洲勢力之下, 也要為著自己的安全,密切留意俄烏戰爭的發展。

在未來數週,世界各國對俄烏戰爭將會有更清晰的態度,戰場上的成敗也會有明顯的結果, 而大國之間的政治攻守, 相信也變得更清楚。

是的,全球現時真的處於不明確之中,人的心也會變得忐忑。或許這也是一個時機, 讓我們思考個人信仰, 能否在這變幻時刻, 給我們內心的安穩吧。

周偉文 社長

At one year of the Russia-Ukraine war

On a day before the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the US President Biden made a five-hour visit to Kiev under missiles’ threat. This sudden but high-profile visit has shed some light on the upcoming direction of this war.

After the deep winter Russia has obviously geared up heavier armament amid a deadlock of the war. Some European countries aids to Ukraine have become hesitated. Wang Yi, China’s Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, indicated at the Munich Security Conference that Chairman Xi Jinping was about to speak on the way forward in seeking a peaceful option on the war through political dialogue.

But with a 80-year-old Biden travelling miles over including a 10-hour train ride from Poland to the city of Kiev under fire certainly has boosted the Ukrainians a lot with US’s strong support on their determination to fight on. This is a clear signal of the uncertain situation and has offered much help to President Zelenskyy being bothered by his corruption saga.

This war by now is no longer a fight between these two countries. It is a time since WWII for the world to work out a system to resolve military conflicts between a big and small nation. Russia’s opponent is not Ukraine but the European developed countries under threat joining up for self-defence and the US as the super power trying hard to keep her control in the world order.

On this war, Australia for sure has taken side with the western allies. But Australia should also be on high alert with a strategic position under the influence of China.

We should have a clearer picture of the development over the coming weeks, by then the upper hand would unfold in the battle ground and the political tug-of-war between the great nations would show outcome.

Yes the world is full of uncertainties, and people are worrying. This could be an opportune for us to reflect on how our religion could offer us peace whilst in turmoil.

Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher