677 擁抱多元文化
Embrace multiculturalism
澳洲智庫ASPI 發表報告, 表示在44個科技項目的研究成果上, 中國在37項領先美國, 並表示中國未來在這些領域上的發展,會有更大空間。報告呼籲西方社會要加強合作, 並鼓勵在基礎教育及科研範圍內, 提升國民的水平, 追上現時已落後的情況。
不少西方國家一向認為自己的科學及技術發展比較優越, 是社會發展及經濟水平比亞洲國家高的原因。ASPI的報告打破了這數十年來的神話, 更加上現時西方社會懼怕中國強大,認為她的極權政治制度,威脅著西方的民主、自由及法治的價值觀。這一個報告, 令不少澳洲人感到憂慮, 也令到不少華裔澳洲人擔心自己會否被牽連其中。
澳洲是孤立在亞洲的西方價值觀國家, 土地廣闊及資源豐富, 更容易感到安全受到威脅。澳洲近年來積極與美國、英國及地區內其它國家建立互相防衛合作條約, 反映出我們採取集合多國之力, 維持這地區自二次大戰後的軍事形勢現狀。不過, 面對中國日漸強大及銳意加強在這地區的政治及軍事力量, 澳洲無法避免與中國有更多的衝突。
除了運用政治手段作出平衡或是增加澳洲的軍事防衛能力外, 加強澳洲人對中國的認識, 及建立更多的合作, 促進中澳兩國緊密而友好的合作關係, 亦是澳洲政府要努力的方向。過去澳洲的經濟發展過份倚頼中國, 這幾年澳洲已明白到不能在各方面倚頼特定一個國家。澳洲把出口、教育、旅遊等項目, 向全球推廣, 已成了基本國策。
作為多元文化移民國家, 來自各國的移民, 都要融入建設澳洲, 華裔移民也不例外。一直以來華裔移民成為中澳兩國之間貿易發展的推手。 這是可以理解的, 因為我們在原居地的關係、經驗、網絡等, 都與中國或香港有關。不過,即然中澳之間的競爭已成事實, 我們就要更努力地與來自其他地區的移民合作, 因此更投入多元文化發展,我相信會對華裔移民更為有利。
我相信, 認識及參與更多其它族裔的社區活動, 會是一個很好的開始。而邀請別的族裔參與華人社區活動, 是我們可以主動行出的一步。
周偉文, 社長
Embrace multiculturalism
Australian Strategic Policy Institute reported recently that out of 44 scientific research programmes China is leading the US in 37 and still heading for more improvement. The Report advised the western nations should join force to catch up in the education and research areas.
Western countries used to regard their superiority over Asian countries in social and economic level due to their advanced technological and scientific development. The Report disproved the myth, while people are fearing the uprising of totalitarian China would threaten western values of democracy, freedom and legal system. Some Australians are worried by the report, and Australian Chinese are concerned of the impact.
Australia is a nation of western values on her own in Asia. The risk is there with her vast territory and resources. Lately Australia has been building closer defence cooperation with the US, UK and neighbouring countries, aiming to keep a strategic status quo in the region since WWII. But with growing China’s political and military expansion in the region, Australia and China are posed for conflict.
Besides political tactic and military enforcement, what Australia government can do must let Australians understand and cooperate with China more in harmony. Australia used to over rely on China economically; now our tactical approach has adjusted to broaden our market globally in our export, education and tourism industries.
As a nation with multicultural immigrants, people coming on board including Chinese must integrate into the society. Australian Chinese here can aid trade development between the two countries, due to their ties, experience, network with their places of origin. Even when the two countries are now in rivalry, we should even work harder in join hands with immigrants from other countries as multiculturalism must work in our interest.
I believe to participate and know more about other minor ethnics’ community activities would make a good start. Inviting them to come to ours would be our first step in happening.
Mr. Raymond Chow, Publisher