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716 以哈衝突一週年

Anniversary of the Israels-Hamas conflict

中東自去年10月7日哈馬斯組織恐怖襲擊以色列後, 以色列作出還擊, 超過42000萬巴勒斯坦平民死亡,而這地區的軍事衝突已延至伊朗及黎巴嫩等地。更令人憂慮的是以色列總理內塔尼亞胡並沒有意圖恢復這地區的和平, 而是堅持要把各地的敵對勢力消滅才罷手。

不錯, 在哈馬斯的恐怖襲擊之中, 有約1200名以色列人死亡及251人成為人質, 以色列確是受到從未有過樣程度的攻擊, 全世界都為震動。然而與這一年來, 42000名巴勒斯坦平民(其中不少為兒童及婦女) 因以色列的報復行動而死亡, 更有數百萬巴勒斯坦人被迫離開家園成為難民, 這樣的報復行為無法說服整個世界, 更不能被算為公義。再進一步, 以色列對支持哈馬斯組織的其它國家進行襲擊, 包括伊朗及黎巴嫩等, 都令到中東地區無法容易回到和平狀態。

經歷過二次大戰, 人類學到的功課是, 戰爭無法解決國與國之間的矛盾與及社群之間因宗教、政治、思想分歧導致的衝突。因此世界要學會包容對事物及彼此分歧的不同看法, 以和平及開放態度進行對話, 以合作的方式去接納彼此的不同, 更不能主動以各種形式的暴力、戰爭、恐嚇及脅迫等來逼使對方屈服。

澳洲是一個多元文化的移民社會, 澳洲人來自世界各方各面, 社會的和諧有頼於不同族群彼此能認識、接納、包容、合作及融合。世界各地國與國的衝突, 很容易成為分化澳洲不同族群的導火線, 進一步破壞澳洲社會的穩定性及安全。在這些日子, 在澳洲各大城巿對以色列攻擊的大規模示威, 令人不安。

在面對世界的紛爭, 我們感到無能為力。我們只能求告那位掌管世界歷史的神, 改變這些國家領袖的心, 讓他們放下仇恨及要把對方消滅淨盡的心, 令和平能重新成為世界的秩序。

在澳洲雖然戰爭好像離我們很遙遠, 但我們要知道, 邪惡的勢力無處不在。極端並以破壞為目標的力量, 更是要在全世界展示來表達出它的能力, 在中東的戰爭, 可以說已經為澳洲這一片樂土, 帶來了令人憂心的陰影。


周偉文 社長

Almost 50,000 civilians have died in the Middle East since 7th October last year when Hamas terrorist attack on Israels thus the latter reiterated. Now the military conflict has spread into Iran and Lebanon. More worrying is Israels PM Netanyahu has no intent to bring peace into the area but rather is aiming at the eradication of all enemies around Israels.

Certainly, the world was shocked by Hamas unprecedented terrorist act in killing 1200 Israelis and kidnapping 251 hostages. But over this year 42000 Palestine civilians including many women and children have been killed by Israels’ revenge action which also caused millions of refugees expelled from Palestine. Can the world take this as righteous act?  Israel even vowed to attack neighbouring countries such as Iran and Lebanon in association with Hamas making it even harder for peace to come back in the region.

The lesson for everyone from the two world wars is that war cannot solve international disputes nor conflicts between communities caused by religion, politics or thinking discrepancy. So the world must learn to accommodate differences, to have peaceful dialogue, to cooperate in diversity rather than resorting to violence, war, intimidation and threat for defeating others.

Australia is a multicultural society with migrants from around the world. Our social harmony must rely on the understanding, acceptance, accommodation, cooperation and integration of different ethnic communities. National conflicts around the world could trigger off division among different ethnic groups in Australia which can ruin our national security and safety. The recent rallies against Israels’ aggression in our capital cities become a concern.

We may feel helpless up against such world conflicts. We can only pray to the Creator who writes history for softening the hearts of some world leaders. Only if they don’t have the hatred to exterminate others then we could have world peace again.

Although wars seem to be so far away from us, we must realise dark forces are just close by. Extreme destructive power is confronting the world, war in the Middle East is casting uneasiness onto this lucky country.

May God bless and protect.

Mr. Raymond Chow, the publisher